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Gunjur Health Centre Maternity Ward Renovation Project

Kombo Sillah Association on Saturday 4th November 2017 presented a cheque of D100,000 to Gunjur Health Centre for the expansion and renovation of the maternity ward. The presentation ceremony which was coordinated and facilitated  by Gunjur Development Association (GDA) took place at Gunjur Health Centre attended by National Assembly Member for Kombo South and Majority Leader, Hon. Kebba K Barrow, representative of Alikalo, Chief Lamin S Darboe, Imam Muhammad Lamin Touray, Village elders and residents.

Speaking about the donation from Kombo Sillah Association for the renovation and expansion of the maternity ward, KSA Finance Director Bakary Touray had this to say:

“In October 2015, we did our first fundraising events which were intended to help the Gunjur Health Centre fight against malaria. When I visited the place in December 2015 and held meetings with staff regarding the money that had been raised from our fundraising events, the head of the Health Centre pointed out the support they already received from other organisations to fight malaria and urged us to help in an area in dire need of support - the maternity ward. We have since redirected our focus onto improving conditions in the Gunjur maternity ward.

“About a month ago, KSA held its first ever cultural weekend in Bristol to raise some money for the Gunjur Maternity Ward, where we promised that all proceeds will be put towards improving its facilities. The events were successful and we raised just over £1,630. This amount was handed to our partners in development in a beautiful ceremony today. In Gunjur, as in many parts of the Gambia, women experience many difficulties in pregnancy and it is the wish of KSA to make the experience of childbirth as safe and stress-free as possible for Gambian women”.

Speaking on behalf of the Gunjur Health Centre, a member of staff thanked Kombo Sillah Association and informed the gathering that when they were initially informed of the donation two weeks ago, they thought it was some form of a hoax but come to realise that this is real and as such could not have come at a better time. She thanked the donors on behalf of her entire staff of the health centre.

Kombo Sillah Association has pledged to donate part of any proceeds from the annual Cultural and Fundraising event to a carefully selected project/cause both in the UK and The Gambia.

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