Donate Kombo Sillah Association
Cementing Social Cohesion and Community Integration
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a) Members shall benefit from support in accordance with Article IV (b) from The Association, from the “KSA” Social Fund, some of the costs towards funeral services in the UK, or in the event the body of the diseased member/s is/are to be repatriated overseas. The Trustees shall use their prerogatives to administer any support decided based on the financial position and the best interest of KSA/The Charity.
b) The membership support in the event of death in United Kingdom shall cover only a wife, husband and children under the age of eighteen (16), subject to compliance to Article IV (b).
c) Any member who is hospitalised consecutively for a period of one month and in compliance with Article IV (b) shall be entitled to support. The Trustees shall use their discretion on how to manage and administer such support in the best interest of KSA/The Charity.
d) Members who paid their registration fees but are not in compliance with Article IV (c) in case of death and or at least three (3) consecutive weeks hospitalisation, the Trustees and Non Executive Officers shall make decision/s on how to support the person/s affected.
e) Members may be employed by or enter into contract with the Charity and receive reasonable interest for goods or services supplied; and, Subject to compliance with Article IV (b). The best interest of KSA shall be sought in any such contract.
f) Members may be paid a reasonable rent or hiring fees for property let or hired to the Charity with priority over non members; but Subject to compliance with Article IV (b).
g) Any member shall receive reimbursement of reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including but not limited to hotel and travel costs) actually incurred in running the Charity if correct documentation is produced and an official KSA Expenses Form completed and receipts/invoices attached.
h) The form and procedure to administer all benefit support subject to compliance to Article IV (b) to members, shall be prescribed and administered by the Trustees using their prerogatives and in the best interest of KSA/The Charity.
i) The Trustees should exercise the power reserved for them to make reimbursements towards all benefit supports and loans to members based on the strength of KSA/the Charity’s financial position and for the best interest of KSA/the Charity.
j) In the event of bereavement, ceremony, religious and cultural events, The Charity may provide support when necessary in kind through moral support
k) Where available, qualified members shall have training opportunities subject to compliance with Article IV
If you are a registered member and would like to pay your annual membership subscription, please click the Paypal button below: