Saturday, 25th of February 2023, five members of KSA attended African Voices Forum’s Membership Engagement Meeting at the Centre for Employment & Enterprise Development (CEED), St.Paul, Bristol.

AVF is Bristol based umbrella organisation of African and Caribbean Community Organisations. Kombo Sillah Association has been a member of this organisation for over a decade now. Issues pertaining to these various charities working together as partners to address their common interests and issues were highlighted as well as proposed new governance structures for AVF to be implemented in the organisation’s next AGM in April/May 2023.
The Keynote speaker: MUSEJI A. TAKOLIA CBE who Chairs Bristol’s Commission on Race and Equality (CORE) delivered an amazing lecture on “Looking to the Future – Sustaining Strong Partnership”.
Delivering his keynote address, Mr Takolia CBE emphasissed the importance of communities coming together to address inherent issues within their communities.
“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, walk together” Museji A. Takolia CBE said as he delivered his keynote speech.
The occasion attracted participants from various community based charitable foundations and individuals from the Council.
KSA was represented at the membership Engagement Meeting by Abdoulie Manjang, FaKebba Bojang, Tuti Touray Janneh, Jain Saidy and Lamin Jammeh.