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Nomination opens for KSA Officers Election

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

As per the KSA Constitution, and as registered and paid-up member of the Kombo Sillah Association (UK), you are required to nominate your chosen member to contest/serve as an officer of the charity that will become vacant at the forthcoming congress. Please review each category and write the name of your preferred member for each position in the boxes provided in each category. Please click "Submit" at the end of the page once you have written down the names of your nominee in each position.

The following officers of the charity positions are now open for nomination and election at the forthcoming AGM in Bristol on 26/27 October 2024.

  1. Chairperson

  2. Secretary (General)

  3. Treasurer (Finance Director)

Click on the image below to start your nomination.


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